Saturday, January 26, 2008

Who Moved the Tree?

Greta and Cody are baffled by the loss of the trees, and enchanted by the sawdust that is still all over the yard. "WHAT HAPPENED?" they seem to say, sniffing with puzzled urgency.

Greta bears a resemblence in size and shape to Oliver's father, Cody is the same color and has a long coat (though not wiry) as Cody's mother-so Oliver seemed very comfortable with them almost from the start. Last night I kenneled the three of them in a room together, with the black and white's in the bathroom. Oliver's howls were immediately silenced by Cody's low growl.

Cody can be a huge pain the butt, kennel dogs always have some issues, but his zero tolerance for whining is a blessing when it comes to puppy raising. We all have our talents, don't we?

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