Tuesday, June 5, 2007


After paying good money for the fence erection, it seems that the Pois will leave Dallas on Sunday for good-so that was a complete waste of 100 bucks. Or maybe it wasn't a waste maybe something will come of it that I don't know or understand yet.

And, my dogs can play in the backyard without my worrying that someone is going to yell or kick at the fence. Now, I KNOW that yelling won't hurt a dog, but I don't want the behaviorial problems that come along with such idiot behavior.

At the very least, it and the letter, were a statement. Nicely stated, with nice language and a lovely golden fence....LOL. Oh, the world is too full of true horrors to worry about a wasted morning and a wasted fence.

Together Again for Now

Got my last two pois, all are in the backyard under the shade tree chewing a chewing. My last post, the Jurassic Day, was meant for my Scotty blog-that's how messed up things have been. Whatcha gonna do?

Keep all your dogs together and keep moving on.

The realities of moving and the logistics of moving all these animals AND my Uncle, AND me, when I can't walk, is overwhelming at times. I spend a lot of time staring at the dogs outside and saying to myself "breathe, breathe" or watching the dogs inside, saying "breathe, breathe".

It's the gift given to dogs I guess that anyone of them, with one look and one tail wag, can cut through all the worry into the part of me that just loves them. Thank God for dogs.