Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bragging-Baldface Unabashed Bragging

The tree guy came last night and the kids were out in the yard. With some refusal (on Cody's part) my four dogs "loaded" into the round pen. I've never attempted that when there was a stranger in the yard. Tree Man was nice and didn't talk while I worked with Cody a bit.

Bitty won't load with the other dogs-she has her own smaller pen, but she wasn't barking so I didn't work with her. Tree Man might not have been that patient.

Now, it's not a huge deal-but it does show that I have decent control over my pack.


soulbrush said...

of course you do!

Debra Kay said...

They are greatness!!!

Rachael said...

That IS A big deal! I know how hard it is to make five of anything do what you say, let alone chihuahuas!

Debra Kay said...

I'd really like to have an English Bulldog one day to see if it is truly harder to train than a chi.