Monday, September 10, 2007

Oh, what a kitty slut I am

I cavorted with my niece's kitty in Houston, and fed salmon to wild kitties in Austin. I hand fed deer. I caught a lizard. I've just been out having a big old time. I'm home tonight to wash clothes and then out the door again tomorrow.

Truth be told, I planned this whirlwind so I wouldn't have to take the dogs in twice-it's easier on them this way, but a little tough on my old bones. Truth be told I plan a lot of things around what is best for the dogs.

I am just an animal FREAK. Wherever I go, the resident creatures usually come to greet me because they know I like them and I think I welcome them spiritually because I miss my own crew.

Random thought: Jane Goodall travels so much, I rather doubt she has her own pet. Sitting here tonight, missing my dogs and loving my cat, that makes me very sad. Surely the airlines would allow JANE GOODALL's dog to travel with her. Jane, do you have a dog? If not, I would like to buy you one. Please, take something just for yourself.....

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