Friday, January 5, 2007

The Grocery Gods have Smiled on Lakewood

I heard it on the radio. I heard it in the 7-11 store. It's all the news today-the Minyards across the street from the Lakewood Country Club is going to be torn down and in its place will rise a Whole Foods Market.

But everything has a cost. The old one, the ORIGINAL one on Lower Greenville, will be closed. I love that store. Its bohemiam flair will probably not carry over to Lakewood-at least not in front of the Country Club.

I am grateful for our Whole Foods windfall-the area really needed a decent new age grocery store. For too long we have survived on Minyards, Alberstons and the dreaded GNC for our vitamins, supplemented with weekend trips to the Farmer's Market downtown.

But Oh, Grocery Gods-what I REALLY wanted was a Trader Joes.


Michele said...

What pray tell is a Trader Joes?

Debra Kay said...

Trader Joe's is one of the best grocery stores ever. It's along the same lines as Whole Foods, even carries their own brand of things.

When Sue and I went out to California awhile back to pick up Uncle John's car, we loaded down the car with 3 big bags each of Trader Joe's larder.