Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kids Kids Kids

On the way to pick up my gang, I saw a puppy about Oliver's age that looked a lot like one of his siblings. It was running loose on the street less than a quarter of a mile from where I got Oliver. I'm so grateful my guy is safe, due for his big shots in a week, well loved and not at all nervous around people. I wish that for all dogs.

While I was unloading the crew;an easy job-they are all eager to go smell the backyard, some neighbors were walkig down the street with their little dog. Their dog was on a leash, but another neighbor's dog was not-he's a cute little poodle pup that runs loose constantly.

Now I have a few more dogs than the city ordinance allows, but none of them run down the street, they all have their shots and any medicines that they may require, they all know their names and come to me when I ask. Ok, maybe not Lily and Oliver, but they are babies. I wish that for all dogs too-to be safe, to have a name, and someone who they would want to come to when called.

1 comment:

soulbrush said...

all dogs in london are supposed to be on a leash too, when i see a stray one roaming the streets i get terribly anxious and worried,and often follow them to see they get where they are going safely...