Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Question of Balance

I love this picture, not because it was a great picture, but because it was a great memory. I was walking down the street and was standing at the entrance to a goat and chicken farm. The farm dog, doing his rightful job, was barking and walking towards me. We headed towards each other until we reached the point of perfect balance-one more step and he would charge. There was no worries-he knew I had one more step, I knew I had one more step, and he knew that I knew that he knew...


soulbrush said...

omg great story great know what i'm gonna ask you...did you take that step?

Debra Kay said...

Oh no, it was his lane and there was no need for trouble. In fact, when I walked back by, he didn't even get up-we understood each other perfectly by that point.