Saturday, March 29, 2008

Photo Change

I did change Dottie's Sun photo on the side to a sitting up one. It was a little misleading to have a picture of her flat out in the sun next to her death annoucement. Such macabre mistakes would not do for her.

That photo was taken a few days before she died on a day that she wanted to be outside all day, staring at the sun. Looking back, maybe she was getting ready to go-saying goodbye to a form she no longer needed.


soulbrush said...

i love this photo of her, you will have it always. she's a happy little doggie now, i just know it.

Debra Kay said...

Dottie was stoic as well as joyful. Lost her eye, bad hip, bad knee and yet (with my help) she was alpha dog to the end. She taught me so much, and is teaching me still in her departure.